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Re-Introducing Herb

If you're talking beauty he's not a star, There are others handsomer by far, Even when it comes to fashionable dress, he's not a dandy who wants to impress
Observe his face, he doesn't mind it,
Of course, that's because he's behind it, So if today's news makes you downcast, Get perspective from an experienced enthusiast, With Herb's advice and tips in a nutshell, Your negotiating problem will become a bagatelle.

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Letters….. We Get Letters


Appraising Herb Cohen





“Your ability to captivate and entertain the audience while imparting specific approaches and wisdom on the essence of deal making was the number one hit of our two day event.”



“In the 20 years we have been holding this International Conference, we have had over 100 speakers.  Although many of them are better known than Herb because of media exposure and some are even highfalutin dignitaries, no one has ever scored a unanimous “10 rating” as Mr. Cohen just did.”



“I have just read your most recent book Negotiate” This! By Caring But Not T-H-A-T Much.

I have never written or e-mailed the author of a book before but feel this is an exception.  I assume messages of this type just go into the 24 hour filing but I am here now.

I have to say that I thought your book was absolutely brilliant not just in terms of content but also the way you presented it and the case studies etc.  This book has got to be an absolute must, not just for professional salespeople/negotiators but for everyday life.

All the messages really hit home.  When I now look back on the occasions when a tender/bid/negotiation has failed I realize that –I cared TOO much or had ignored some of the most simplest rules you highlight.  Reading the book has not only helped clarify and strengthen my own opinions on the sales/negotiation process but also taught me a lot of new ideas to incorporate.

Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and experience it will not just improve my professional role but also my personal life.”



Cohen, who practically invented the field of negotiating, is a major talent and that appears largely attributable to his creative intelligence, his intense focus on attaining his client’s goals and a negotiating style that is low-key, humorous and flexible.  For me, though, he was the best teacher I have ever been exposed to.  And that’s after College and Law School.”


“Your lectures at the FBI Academy to both Chiefs of Police and FBI Officials had a significant impact on the quality of law enforcement throughout the United States.  First, you set a new standard for quality for the FBI training programs, secondly, the Chiefs of Police most likely never experienced a day’s training of the quality you provided, and third, FBI executives, the world’s most arrogant executives, finally had to admit they did not know it all.

The bottom line of your participation in our training programs boils down to the fact that you did more for the quality of law enforcement in the United States than any other person I know from 1977 to 1992.  That achievement is one in which I hope you take great pride.”


“Again, thanks for getting us Herb Cohen who in retrospect was underpaid.  I say that because we had a professional comedian at the farewell dinner, which was not even half as funny as Herb, yet we paid him twice as much”.



“Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and insight at Money Matter IV in Chicago.  The participants gave you rave review and both enjoyed and appreciated your presentation.”


“Our Account Executives were thrilled with the guest speaker, Herb Cohen.  They felt he was far and away the best speaker we’ve ever had.”


“About 20 years ago I heard Herb Cohen speak at the IBM Hundred Percent Club and Golden Circle Awards, and I still use much of what he said back then.  Well, it was a long wait but I was in the audience in Orlando last week.  He still combined valuable gems of information with entertainment and he’s better than ever.”



“Herb, I didn’t get a chance to say hello and thanks.  Of course, you know by the standing ovation that everyone loved you.  I don’t know if you remember me but I was with EMC when you did a full day negotiating program with us years ago.”



“As you know, Mr. Cohen was one of the four distinguished speakers that we had in Buenos Aires.  Although one was a diplomat from Argentina and another a CEO from Brazil, it was evident to everybody that Cohen knew more about the culture, history and business challenges of our region than anyone else.”


“Herb Cohen was a great choice as our keynote speaker.  Also I appreciate getting his new book, “Negotiate This! By Caring But Not T-H-A-T Much” and that he took the time to personally inscribe it.”




“Our members adored Herb Cohen.  He gave them considerable practical take away that they will immediately use upon their return.  More important, was that he tailored his presentation to our industry’s problems and terminology – using examples that our executives related to.”



“Herb, I wanted to make sure that you know that you were our highest rated speaker at our Sales Jamboree.  You were top ranked in our three main categories: useful information, content and interest.”


“When we had our Teleconference call prior to our Annual Sales Meeting I was the one who said, “I think that 45-50 minutes is the maximum sitting time for this group”.  Was I wrong!  About 10 Sales types complained to me afterward that you should have gone longer.  You were a tremendous hit!”


“Remember me?  I came on after you in Charlotte when we both addressed the IT Convention.  Although we are in the same business, after watching you I was amazed.  What I admired is your command of timing and shading, the fact that you are a brilliant story teller using them to illuminate your points and that you don’t work on automatic pilot like so many in our business do.  Looking forward to seeing you again on the circuit.”



“Out of all my business courses and there have been many of them, I always remember “Herb” the most, he is brilliant.  In was in 1991 I heard him speak in Florida and have never forgotten him.

Now as a Mum of one and trying to pursue a Real Estate career, my mind is yelling at me “You need Herb” I have found his new book and am reading it.

But I would love to hear him speak again, is he ever in the California area???”



“I cannot tell you how exciting it was to go to my mailbox and receive your books and your nice note.  I did not know if this e-mail went through successfully or even if it did, if you would see it, so you can imagine my surprise when I got your package.  What a pleasant surprise.

That was incredibly nice of you…especially while you are away.  I hope you are enjoying Florida.  I used to live there (Orlando and then Tampa) and right now I am missing that weather terribly.

Congrats on making the LA Times and Wall Street J best seller lists.   I am sure more are to come.  I am still enjoying my nightly reading out of your book”.



“My Five Star review of ‘NEGOTIATE THIS!‘, is featured online by Amazon and Borders, which rank #9 among their Top 100 Reviewers.”



“After almost 30 years in sales I have listened to many a speaker.  Some were good and a few not so good.

But last Friday afternoon I found myself not just impressed but mesmerized by the hour (it seemed like 15 minutes) you spent with us.

You helped this old pro learn a few new things (something I did not think was possible) and better understand his experiences.

Where have you been all these years?

Herb Cohen you are a gift to the world.  Not only are you so enjoyable and entertaining, but the content of your talk if used, cannot help but improve a person’s performance.”



“Your presentation in Atlanta last week was the hit of the meeting.  I learned so much that I can immediately apply.”



“About every five years we have Herb Cohen back as our keynote speaker.  January 2006 was the 3rd or 4th time and he always surprises everyone with new material and updated examples.  He’s the best.”



“I wanted to send a quick note to thank you for setting up the call with Herb-hearing about his background and getting his suggestions was very insightful and I really appreciate it.  I know his time is very valuable and it was very generous of him to speak with me.”