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Re-Introducing Herb

If you're talking beauty he's not a star, There are others handsomer by far, Even when it comes to fashionable dress, he's not a dandy who wants to impress
Observe his face, he doesn't mind it,
Of course, that's because he's behind it, So if today's news makes you downcast, Get perspective from an experienced enthusiast, With Herb's advice and tips in a nutshell, Your negotiating problem will become a bagatelle.

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Negotiating in Other Cultures

The Most Asked Cross-Cultural Question

Who Negotiates like Americans (U.S.A.)?  The Answer is Canadians and Australians, because they share some basic aspects of a common cultural background:

  1. Early settlers came from Anglo-Saxon Countries.
  2. Upon arrival they encountered an indigenous people who were killed or scattered.
  3. Many moved west into wide-open spaces developing a strong sense of independence. There was no need to resolve conflict—they could always move on.
  4. For most of their history all three of these countries have had comparatively small populations in large geographic areas.
  5. The United States, Canada and Australia all possess the same type of competitive legal system derived from English Common Law.
  6.  These Nations are relatively young which affects their view of time.
  7. Unlike Japan and the PRC (Peoples Republic of China), the United States, Canada and Australia are heterogeneous societies with an Immigrant heritage (to date 1 in 14 people in the U.S.A. are legal immigrants, in Australia it’s 1 in 10 and Canada the ratio is 1 in 6.  

II. Culture is the way of living developed and transmitted by a group of human beings, consciously or unconsciously, to subsequent generations. More precisely, ideas, beliefs, values, habits, attitudes, customs and traditions become accepted and somewhat standardized in a particular group as an attempt to meet continuing needs.


Culture is overt or covert coping ways or mechanisms that make a people unique in adapting to their environment and its changing conditions.


No matter how bizarre a person feels, thinks and acts, it always relates to his or her experience. When we perceive deviations from our expectations underlying it is usually a cultural system of values and beliefs that we do not understand.


In most of the world cultures, Negotiating is an Art Form—Intricate as a Carnival Dance, expressive as a Picasso Painting and as affirming as the Winning Goal that Captures the World Cup Football Championship for one’s Country.

But in many Nations – – as evidenced by trade imbalances, budget deficits and dissatisfaction with international dealings – – they often have problems with doing the Dance and Playing the Game.


Consider if you will the issue of Context or environment – the enveloping atmosphere that sheds light on meaning and helps explain what is really happening.


III. What is Context?

The surrounding setting of interrelated conditions and values that throws light on meaning. These are the situational and cultural factors that affect communication and the nature of relationships.


A low context culture (Canada, the United States and Australia) is one where meaning and understanding is looked for in what is said. But a high context culture (Japan,

PRC and South Korea) is one where meaning and understanding is derived from what is not said, in the silences and pauses between the silences.


For example, the American emphasis is on sending out or giving accurate messages (being articulate) whereas the Japanese emphasis is on receiving messages (being a listener and interpreter so they are more vague and indirect.