Démystifier le Bargaining Distributif: Tout ce que vous devez savoir

New & Updated Definitions

Distributive bargaining is a competitive negotiation strategy where one party seeks to gain the most value at the expense of the other party. It typically involves fixed resources, and each party’s gain is the other’s loss. This approach is often used in one-time negotiations, such as buying a car or negotiating a salary. In contrast, integrative bargaining is a collaborative negotiation strategy that seeks to create value for both parties. It involves identifying common interests and expanding the resources available to both parties, resulting in a win-win outcome.

Our checklist of effective distributive bargaining strategies can help ensure that you claim as much value as possible in your next important negotiation—but you have to willing to prepare.

Distributive bargaining can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can maximize your gains. Here are some essential distributive bargaining strategies to help you prepare for your next negotiation:

Putting Distributive Bargaining Strategies to the Test

When it comes to distributive bargaining, it’s essential to understand your BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement). Knowing your BATNA gives you the leverage to walk away from a deal that doesn’t meet your needs and seek better options elsewhere. Additionally, setting ambitious but realistic goals and being prepared to make concessions can strengthen your position in a distributive negotiation. Another critical aspect of distributive bargaining is understanding the other party’s interests and reservation points. This insight can help you develop persuasive arguments and counter the other party’s demands effectively. By anticipating their tactics and having a well-thought-out strategy, you can navigate the negotiation process with confidence.

A Checklist of Distributive Bargaining Strategies

1. Set ambitious but realistic goals : Define your objectives and prioritize them based on their importance to you. 2. Know your BATNA : Identify your best alternative to a negotiated agreement to determine your reservation point. 3. Understand the other party’s interests : Gain insight into the other party’s priorities and search for potential trade-offs that could benefit both sides. 4. Prepare persuasive arguments : Anticipate the other party’s demands and prepare compelling responses to counter their proposals. 5. Be ready to make concessions : Prioritize your goals and determine which aspects are negotiable to reach an acceptable agreement. 6. Leverage time and information : Use timing and information to your advantage to create pressure and influence the negotiation dynamics.

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As you delve into distributive bargaining, it’s essential to remain flexible and adaptable throughout the negotiation process. Each interaction presents an opportunity to learn more about the other party’s preferences and priorities, enabling you to make informed decisions and adjust your strategy accordingly.

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Armed with a thorough understanding of distributive bargaining and a comprehensive checklist of effective strategies, you’re now equipped to approach your next negotiation with confidence. By implementing these tactics and staying attuned to the dynamics of the negotiation, you can maximize the value you claim and achieve favorable outcomes. Remember that preparation and adaptability are key to success in distributive bargaining, and continuous learning from each negotiation experience will further refine your skills.


What is distributive bargaining with an example?

Distributive bargaining is a negotiation method in which involved parties strive to divide a fixed amount of resources, often resulting in a win-lose scenario. An example would be bargaining for a car, where the seller wants the highest price possible and the buyer wants the lowest price.

What is distributive versus integrative bargaining?

Distributive bargaining refers to a competitive negotiation strategy which is used when the parties involved try to divide a fixed amount of resources, often resulting in a win-lose scenario. Integrative bargaining, on the other hand, is a collaborative strategy where all parties seek to find a win-win solution by expanding the resources or looking for creative solutions to satisfy both parties’ interests.

Which of the following is an example of distributive bargaining?

Distributive bargaining, also known as zero-sum or win-lose bargaining, is a competitive negotiation strategy. An example would be negotiating the price of a car where one party wants to pay the least amount possible and the other wants to get the maximum price, the gain of one party is exactly offset by the loss of the other.

What is another name for distributive bargaining?

Another name for distributive bargaining is zero-sum or win-lose bargaining.